About Lora S. K. Knight

Lora S. K. Knight is a writer-seer exploring the events of Faerie in the 13th century up to modern day. They enjoy half-timbered houses, ancient forests, sunsets, and long walks on a beach.

The Crown of Seasons

The Crown of Seasons is a series of books that take place following the murder of Autumn, a High Queen of Faerie, and her brother Winter’s imprisonment for the crime.

All stories will be serialized in chronological order of publication here on Substack as chapter-sized missives flown directly to you. If you prefer to purchase tales in novel or completed short story format, you may find links to other formats on www.loraskknight.com.

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If you wish to read Lora S. K. Knight’s writerly missives, you may need to purchase a subscription to access the more in-depth content. Other content will be released for free.

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Subscribe to Lora S. K. Knight, faerie author

Faerie novels. Writerly essays. Writer journeying & health. Faerie fantasy novels sent chapter-by-chapter straight to your inbox with free excerpts.


Writer exploring the events of Faerie in the 13th century up to modern day. They enjoy half-timbered houses, ancient forests, & sunsets.